The Circuit Civil Department of the Clerk’s Office is responsible for conducting Foreclosure Sales in accordance with Florida Statute 45.
Upcoming Auctions
Foreclosure Sale Process
Property owners are required to pay property taxes on an annual basis to the Calhoun County Tax Collector. If the owner fails to pay his/her taxes, a tax certificate will be sold by the Tax Collector at a date and time advertised by the Tax Collector.
A tax certificate represents a lien for unpaid real estate taxes. The amount of the certificate is the sum of the unpaid real estate tax and the non-ad valorem assessments, penalties, advertising costs and fees.
A tax certificate may be held for a minimum of two (2) years but not more than seven (7) years. At any time between the second and seventh year, the certificate holder may request the sale of the property to satisfy the certificate. The certificate holder must apply for the tax deed sale by presenting the original certificate to the Tax Collector. For more information about tax certificates, you should contact the Calhoun County Tax Collector’s office.
The Tax Collector certifies the tax deed application and forwards the application to the Clerk, who computes the base bid and charges the certificate holder for the costs of holding the sale. The Clerk will require a deposit of $260.00 from the certificate holder to begin and set sale date.
Once all sale costs have been paid, the Clerk sets a sale date, Advertises sale, notifies the certificate holder, the property owner, and all lien holders and the sale is then held in accordance with Florida Statute 197.
Notices of pending tax deed sales are published in a newspaper with local circulation. Tax deed files are available for viewing in the Clerk’s Office.
You must do your own research for each property!
You may research property improvements with the Calhoun County Property Appraiser’s Office.
Anyone may bid on a property there is no pre-registration required. The site provides information for each pending sale, including the name of owner, Parcel Id information, and the opening bid. If you click on the parcel id number, it will forward you to the Property Appraisers Web Site for parcel research. The Clerk is not responsible for the quality or accuracy of any information provided on this site.
Sales will be held in the front lobby of the Court House at 20859 Central Ave E. Blountstown, FL 32424.
The successful bidder shall post immediately with the Clerk a deposit equal to 5% of the final bid. The deposit will be applied to the sale price at the time of payment. If final payment is not received by end of business of the 5th day, the Clerk will readvertise the sale and pay all costs of the sale from the deposit, and any remaining funds shall be applied toward the judgment. Bidding will not be concluded until the deposit is tendered.